Matthias Kramm is a Postdoctoral researcher and member of the GEOS research cluster at Wageningen University. Within this cluster, he examines the deep ontological differences between different Indigenous ontologies and the limits of ontological pluralism. He holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy (2009) from Munich School of Philosophy and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology (2014) from Heythrop College, University of London. In 2020, he defended his PhD thesis on the role of cultural traditions within economic development processes at Utrecht University. Other areas he has been working on are pragmatist action theory, the capability approach, and Indigenous philosophies.
As an affiliate member of the Fair Limits Project, he focuses on canonical writers in the history of economic and political philosophy who have been defending ideas that can be considered proto-types to limitarianism.
His publications include:
Kramm, M. & Robeyns, I.A.M. (2020). Limits to wealth in the history of Western philosophy. European Journal of Philosophy (16 p.).
Kramm, M. (2020). When a River becomes a Person. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (13 p.).
Kramm, M. (2019). Capability and Habit. Journal of Global Ethics, 15 (2), (pp. 183-192) (10 p.).