FL Workshop Series

FL Speaker Series: Paula Casal
Paula Casal (Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) is visiting Utrecht for a workshop on her work. We will discuss her work on sufficientarianism as well as more recent work on ecological limits. Details of the program will follow. The workshop will be from 14.00 – 17.00 at Drift 13, room 2.05. All are welcome, if you would like…
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FL Workshop Series: Patterns, Thresholds and Limits
What shape does the distribution of the relevant goods take in a just society? For example, are these goods distributed equally, or does everybody have at least enough of them, or is their distribution tailored to the needs of those who have the least? Or are there several patterns at work, depending – for example…
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FL Workshop Series: Limits to Wealth?
Program 10.00-11.00: Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund), “On Ingrid Robeyns’ Limitarianism. Towards a political account of limitarianism based on self-respect.” 11.00-11.20: Coffee & Tea 11.20-12.20: Danielle Zwarthoed (Université Catholique de Louvain), “Autonomy-Based Reasons for Limitarianism.” 12.20-13.40: Lunch (included) 13.40-14.40: Dick Timmer (Utrecht University), “Can there be a neutrality objection to limitarianism?” 14.40-15.00: Coffee & Tea 15.00-16.00:…
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