
Interview with Ingrid Robeyns in Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE) interviewed Ingrid Robeyns about her formative years, her scholarship on the capability approach, her ERC-funded Fair Limits project, the relevance of political philosophy for public policy, and her advice for young philosophers aspiring to an academic career. “I think that the political and societal effects of preference…
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Blog by Ingrid Robeyns: Where do people put the riches-line?
On the international Blog Crooked Timber, Ingrid Robeyns discussed how one could try to measure the riches line. Check it out here.
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IAI News: Can Limitarianism Save the World? An Interview with Ingrid Robeyns
A new interview on Limitarianism with Ingrid Robeyns has been published at the news site of the Institute of Art and Ideas (IAI): This conversation took place mere days after the publication of the Paradise Papers: some 13 million files leaked to the press that detail the ways that companies and individuals avoid tax through…
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Robeyns en Meijers leveren bijdrage aan WRR-Verkenning over Filantropie
Tim Meijers en Ingrid Robeyns zijn door de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) gevraagd een bijdrage te leveren aan een WRR-Verkenning over Filantropie. In hun bijdrage zullen Meijers en Robeyns een overzicht geven van politiek filosofische argumenten over de wenselijkheid van filantropie, alsmede de risico’s en mogelijkheden die filantropie ethisch gezien inhoudt. Meer informatie…
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Fair Limits project takes off
We are happy to announce the ERC-funded research project Fair Limits has started. Principal Investigator Ingrid Robeyns and project coordinator Bart Mijland have spent the summer preparing for this take off. Per September 2017, Tim Meijers (postdoc), Petra van der Kooij and Dick Timmer (both PhD candidates) joined the team. Early 2018 Fair Limits will…
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